PARTS/ACCESSORIES - if not in stock, parts/accessories can be ordered-in within two to three days, if in stock at supplier. Email Parts Manager Here, or phone 613-924-2568 during business hours, 9-5 weekdays.
OIL - we set up Evinrude E-Tecs with full synthetic XD-100 Gold oil, the best on the market; we also carry Evinrude XD-30 and XD-50, as well as Quicksilver (Merc) and other mfg's required engine and gear oil.
GAS - we stock premium gas and are certified as being ethanol-free. Gas containing ethanol should be used sparingly in all engines, generally only in emergencies, to avoid deterioration of rubber hoses and gaskets. Deterioration of these parts causes remnants to run thru your engine and could cause major clogging problems and later high-dollar repairs.